Bring together Offer Transparency and Compliance with InstaOffers
Modernize offer management through InstaOffers. InstaOffers centralizes offers in one dashboard giving sellers transparent access to offers as they come in.
Ensure Compliance
Instahowing’s offer management platform ensures strict compliance with Fair Housing rules.
Provide sellers visibility into offer strength and give them tools to evaluate offers side by side.
Bring Offer Competition
Facilitate multiple rounds of offers as you seek to get your seller top dollar

“The technology of offer management has gotten quite a bit of attention lately , while most industry executives believe it’s due to the current “hot market”, at T3 Sixty, we believe that offer management as a category and technology is here to stay. With increased attention on total transparency, it’s essential that realtors present easily digestible and concise offers to their customers. Additionally, as the market slows, offers will only become more complex. Therefore technology that makes the presentation of these offers clear is imperative.”

Jonathan Peterson
SVP, Broker Technology at T3 Sixty